An Introduction

Hail and well met, denizens of the internet and welcome to my humble abode…

…Well, I say ‘humble abode’. It’s a website. And a blog. Not really prime living conditions, to be honest. And also probably not all that humble either, now that I think about it.

Anyway, for those of you who have just stumbled onto this website and/or are actually strange enough to read these generic Introduction pieces, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Malcolm Pope, (who also occasionally goes by the screen name Rukaio Alter) writer extraordinaire (or extra-ordinary depending on your opinion) and this is my website, also known as is the place to be for everything writing related.

Or at least, writing related directly to me.

Yes, we’ve got everything you could ever want here. Short Stories, Reviews, an actual novel or two (in theory), basically every single project that I could finish, True Love (except not that) and all at the tip of your fingertips.

And I don’t intend to stop here. I have plenty of other projects planned for here in the weeks and months to come, from more short stories and reviews, to video logs, to comics, to any idea that catches my eye. And all of it will be published right here, whether the world wants it or not.

But enough rambling. If you want to know where to get started, how about checking out my new Fantasy/Superhero mash-up short story series, Sagas of Capes and Cowls? Or, if you want something lighter, try taking a look at my collection of Short Stories. Alternately I also have a Review Section dedicated to recent releases, be they film, book or other.

And finally, if you want to help me in my endeavours (and, let’s face it, who doesn’t?), you can always donate to my Patreon Page, so if you’re a big fan of making sure your favourite artists don’t starve to death on the streets, then any bits you can send my way is appreciated.

In the meantime, explore and enjoy.

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